1. Basic definitions
    Site - a site located on the Internet at https://www.maslo53.ru.
    Site Administration -Victoria Limited Liability Company , located at the address: 173016, Russia, Velikiy Novgorod, 47 Shimskaya street.
    User - a user of the Site, an individual or legal entity using the Feedback Form and Application Form for wholesale supplies on the site.
    Feedback form, Application form for bulk deliveries - special fields where the User enters personal information in order to transfer data about the user to the Site Administrator.
    Policy - this privacy policy of the Site Administrator.
  2. General provisions
    1. This Policy is an official document of the Site Administrator, and determines the procedure for processing and protecting information about individuals and legal entities using the Feedback Form and Application Form for wholesale supplies on the Site.
    2. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure adequate protection of information about users, including their personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.
    3. Relations related to the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information about users are governed by this Policy and the current Russian legislation.
    4. The current version of the Policy, which is a public document, was developed by the Site Administration and is available to any Internet user by clicking on the "Privacy Policy" hypertext link. The Site Administration has the right to make changes to this Policy. When making changes to the Policy, the Site Administration notifies users of this by posting a new version of the Policy on the Site at the permanent address: https://www.maslo53.ru/politika/. Previous versions of the Policy are stored in the personal archive of the Site Administration documentation.
    5. By using the Feedback Form and Application Form for wholesale supplies, the user agrees to the terms of this Policy.
    6. In case of disagreement of the user with the terms of this Policy, the use of the Feedback Form and the Application Form for wholesale supplies must be immediately terminated.
    7. The Site Administrator does not verify the accuracy of the information received (collected) about users.
  3. Purposes of information processing
    1. The Site Administrator processes information about users including their personal data in order to fulfill the Site Administrator's obligations to users regarding the use of the Site.
  4. Composition of information about users
    1. The Site Administrator processes user information including:
      1. Personal data of users provided by users to the Site Administrator with the consent of the users themselves and necessary for using the Feedback Form and Application Form for wholesale deliveries: full name (surname, name, patronymic), region, city, telephone with city code, e-mail , form of ownership, method of implementation.
      2. Information received by the Site Administrator as a result of user actions when using the Site.
  5. Processing of users personal data
    1. The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the following principles:
      1. legality of purposes and methods of processing personal data and good faith;
      2. compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with purposes predetermined and declared when collecting personal data;
      3. correspondence of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of processing personal data to the purposes of processing personal data;
      4. inadmissibility of combining databases containing personal data created for incompatible purposes.
  6. Terms and purposes of personal data processing
    1. The Site Administrator processes the user's personal data with his\her consent in order to provide services to the user offered on the Site.
  7. Personal data collection
    1. The User's personal data provided for in paragraph 4 of this Policy are transferred by the User to the Site Administration with the User's consent. The transfer of personal data by the User to the Site Administrator, through the Feedback Form and Application Form for wholesale supplies, means the User's consent to transfer his\her personal data.
  8. Personal data storage and use
    1. The personal data of Users are stored on electronic media, and are also used when concluding various agreements and contracts between the Site Administrator and user, if an agreement is reached on the conclusion of the relevant agreements and contract.
  9. Personal data transfer
    1. Personal data of users shall not be transferred to any third parties, except as expressly provided for in this Policy. The provision of personal data of users at the request of state bodies (local authorities) is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Russian legislation.
  10. Destruction of personal data
    1. The user's personal data is destroyed when:
      1. Administration of the Site deletes information posted by the user
  11. Rights and obligations of users
    1. Users have the right to:
      1. on the basis of a request, receive information from the Site Administrator regarding the processing of their personal data.
  12. Measures to protect user information
    1. The Site Administrator takes technical, organizational and legal measures to ensure the protection of the user's personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions.
  13. User messages
    1. Users have the right to send their requests to the Site Administrator, including requests regarding the use of their personal data, provided for in clause 4 of this Policy, in writing at the address specified in clause 1.
    2. The request submitted by the User must contain the following information:
      1. If an individual applies:
        • number of the main identity document of the user or his\her representative;
        • date of issue of the specified document and issuing authority;
        • request in free form. Be sure to indicate the date of contact through the Feedback Form or Application Form for wholesale supplies;
        • signature of the user or his\her representative.
      2. If a legal entity applies:
        • The text of the request in free form on the letterhead. Be sure to indicate the date of contact through the Feedback Form or Application Form for wholesale supplies;
        • The request must be signed by an authorized person with the attachment of documents confirming the authority of the person.
      3. The Site Administrator undertakes to consider and send a response to the user's request within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request.
      4. All correspondence received by the Site Administrator from users (requests in writing or electronic form) refers to information of limited access and is not disclosed without the written consent of the user. Personal data and other information about the user who sent the request cannot be used without the user's special consent otherwise than to respond to the topic of the request received or in cases expressly provided for by law.